
Entries in Adobe (18)


1 Year Ago, Zoo Station's 400th Show - Elevation

Zoo Station is a Northern California U2 Tribute Band… I’d honestly rather watch these guys play then going to a massive stadium to watch the boys from Dublin. If you ever get a chance to see them GOOO!!!!
Shot this with 3 Canon 5DMK2’s and 1 7D, Got some awesome help from John King, Brad Seals and Jason Alger. I was actually running one of the cams on crutches… Fun little edit in Premiere Pro’s Multicam tool. Notice in the end when Brad Seals runs out the back door of the club to shoot from outside thru the window. He’s good at stuff like that. 

Cinematographying is hard. BTS


Richard Harrington is wicked smart.

Last month I had the pleasure of hanging out with Richard Harrington for an afternoon and this guy seriously SCARES ME… I think he may be an alien from the moon base on the dark side of the moon. (Oh yea, it exists… it MUST, Richard Harrington MUST have come from there. “Post Hoc, Ergo Proptor Hoc?” - Obscure West Wing reference.)
Anyway, this 1 hour walk thru the features of Photoshop CS5 is TOTALLY worth your time if you ever use Photoshop.
Richard… I bow at your feet.

Premiere Pro has a trim mode.

Using the Trim Window - Premiere Pro CS5 from Paul Joy on Vimeo.

Paul Joy of shared this tutorial he made with me and said it was ok to share it. Great work Paul.


The Kevin and Karl Show - Ep 3 "Basic Editing"

In my continued exhaustive coverage of someone else’s hard work… haha… yea, I’ve just been to busy to post my own stuff… (but check the credits!!)

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