
Entries in Adobe (18)


Tutorial - After Effects Render Queue and Presets

One thing that can speed up your work and allow you to make less mistakes in AE is knowing the ins and outs of your Render Queue and making your own custom presets. In this tutorial I walk thru some steps that will allow you to know your renders are right the first time.

Ever want to learn more about Parenting thru 3D space in AE, check this out.


Tutorial - Parenting in After Effects - Dance With Me

In this tutorial I wanted to dig a little deeper into the way parenting works especially in a 3D composition. I’ve been working on a kenetic typography piece and I came up with this little technique for bringing new items into a deep composition and figuring how to get things in front of your camera. 

As always I’m suspecting there is a better way to do this and I welcome the input from anyone on how to go about doing this.

If you like this tutorial, you should check out the one I did on the Render Queue in AE.

Kenetic, Type Parenting, Null Object


Tutorial - Silky Smooth Slow Motion


Tutorial - Logo Treatment

Julien Lasseur encouraged me to do a little tutorial on the logo treatment I did for Hurlbut Visuals. There is some workflow tricks in Illustrator and After Effects that may be useful.


Act of Valor looks good.

This is a movie trailer for a feature length film that Shane Hurlbut shot on the Canon 5DMK2, it looks really great. I think I’ll actually go to a theater to see this one. The other day I got a call from Lydia Hurlbut about possibly cutting some pieces for Hurlbut Visuals. It’s an honor for me to be asked by people like Shane and Lydia to work for them. Hopefully our calendars, and stars, will align so I can work on the project.
(Oh yea, i was name dropping there…)