
Entries in HDSLR (108)


Shane Hurlbut is enthusiastic.

Because of the nature of most of the things that I cut I don’t normally get to share them. This is a piece I cut for Shane Hurlbut and Brian Valente from Barry Anderson of Mogo Media shot it with a set of Leica glass. I think the piece looks great.
This, along with all the things I cut from the HDSLR Bootcamp were cut on Premiere Pro CS5.

Skate videos don't get old.

Obvious Rodney Mullen influence… AMAZING production value. Great piece! Must see.

Ben James learned Premiere Pro!

HDSLR Bootcamp - Team D - Chase Scene from Ben James on Vimeo.


So interesting how social media works. I don’t know Ben but he and I were both at Shane Hurlbut’s HDSLR Bootcamp back in August. I was working at it, he was attending. So we never met. Today Ben sends me a link to his video he cut from the student shot footage at Bootcamp. Ben cut it all in Premiere Pro and said the info on this site was really helpful.  Cool how all that works out isn’t it?

Great Job Ben!


Brick and Steel are retired.

A fake movie trailer… well, I THINK it’s fake!


What if airports were this fun?

If only airports were this fun, I may want to fly more often.

Many years ago I worked with the people of Play, Inc. They created a product called Trinity. Trinity was one of those “TV Studio in Box” products and I got into some heated discussions with their head of software development about how we needed to do demos that were more technical. He taught me a REALLY valuable lesson that people are not influenced by facts NEARLY as much as they are influenced by emotion. 

That is precisely why ‘ads’ like this are so valuable. You watch it, you feel good, they hit you with a pink T-Mobile ad at the end. Next time you see that pink logo… you’ll relive all those wonderful emotions.


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