Joshua Tree is beautiful.

We had a blast at the TWiP Weekend Workshop in Joshua Tree this weekend. Just got home about an hour ago and finished uploading the video we cut Saturday Night and showed it to the rest of the gang on Sunday AM.
Frederick says, "If you don't shoot it, it never happened." Good advice to live by.
If you are wondering, the video is shot with a Canon 7D with a 70-200 2.8 and a Singh-Ray Vari ND on sticks and a 16-35 on a Glidecam 4000HD. Special thanks to Neil Looker for the loan of the Glidecam. It works quite well with the small light-wieght HDSLRs. The Vari ND really allows you to control the DOF even on a bright sunny day. By opening the aperture wide open you can minimize your DOF but you still have to control the amount of light hitting the sensor. In traditional photography you can just make your exposure shorter but in video you have to keep your exposure at approximately double your frame right.
HOWEVER... I followed a bit of advice I got listening to Shane Hurlbut on Red Centre. He shoots 30FPS at 1/40. Although I didn't shoot 30FPS I did try to slow the shutter down the 1/40 and I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with the results.
Anyway, I had a great time although right now... I'm EXHAUSTED.
Sitting on the ground doing long lens work on the 7D with the essential Zacuto Z-Finder.