
Entries in Podcast (3)


Podcasting is time consuming.

It just dawned on me that I had not posted anything here on for a couple of weeks and thats because I’ve been up to my eyeballs in learning Wordpress and Libsyn and RSS feeds in order to launch a new podcast with Alex MacLean. Soooo… this Saturday June 1, 2013 digitalCINEMAcafe will be available on your iTunes. We also have a website, a tumblr account, and I think there is even something on the Facebooker. So thats a thing now.

This first week, we’ll have a new show every day, we’re calling it “7 in 7”, seven shows in seven days. After that, we’ll do a show a week. We have some really great guest lined up so make sure you Subscribe on iTunes and feel


How to Mix Minus

I think this is one of the best explanations of how to record and set up your podcast… it does how ever have some references to some software that doesn’t quite work anymore in 10.8 but its worth checking out of you are into podcasting.


Digital Convergence Podcast - Episode 98

In an attempt to fill in for my friend Carl Olson as he is busy with other business Mitch from planet5d and myself are moving forward with the Digital Convergence Podcast episodes. Today we recorded Episode 98 with Alex MacLean from Colorflow in Berkely California. We discussed advanced color grading and workflows as well as a really cool project Alex is Executive Producing called “Valiant”, which you can check out on Kickstarter.

The MP3 version of the show is available here.