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15 minutes to WWDC 2013 - My predictions.

yea, ok… there may be a new G4 Cube/MacPro thing. 

yea there may be a rentina something or other. 

yea there may be a … oh who cares… new stuff… SURPRISE!!!

but this is the thing that I think is interesting.

1. “All My Files” being the default finder window for the last year. REALLY??? What the hell is this thing. Can I tell you how hard it was to explain to my 80 year old mother that you can’t take anything “out” of “All My Files”… I had to think about myself too.

2. “Launchpad”. I REALLY don’t want my next Mac OS to be ANYTHING like an iPad… Thank you Apple.

3. “Scroll direction: natural.” oh and I REALLY don’t want my Mac HARDWARE to be anything more like an iPad either. 

I believe that there has been a “spirit of incrimentalism” that has been taking over Apple’s hardware and software design that is leading us to accept a merging of the hardware and software over time. I’m not REALLY a fan of the iPad and I LIKE that there is a difference between the two bits of hardware. 

“All my files” in the Mac OS encourages us to not think about the finder as a system of folders and sub-folders, It asks us to search more and organize less. Yes, I’m a fan of the search commands but I’m ALSO a BIG fan of being organized.

“Launchpad” is just plain LAME… I dont’ want to have a dumbed down version of my OS, I LIKE my Mac just fine.

“Scroll direction: natural” found in your Trackpad or Mouse System Preference pane allows you to switch the damn scrolling back to the way GOD HAD INTENDED it. One direction ‘THE RIGHT ONE’. presumes you are controlling a device and telling it to look down further. The other directiong presumes you are touching a piece of paper and moving it about under your finger, which. sort of makes sense if you are indeed actually TOUCHING the screen but makes NO sense if you are touching a user interface like a scratch pad or a mouse.

OK… I’m done… time to tune in and see what Tim Cook has instore for us.

BTW… I’m sad that Steve is gone. He may have been the reason why PRISM didn’t get Apples support until late last year. Don’t know what that is? Look it up.

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Reader Comments (1)

So? whats your thoughts on the new "Mac Pro"?
June 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDustatron

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