I LOVE this, beautiful.

In 1985, Sting wrote a song called Russians. It was examined the geo-political landscape of the last decade of the cold war and about all he could hope for was that he “Hoped the Russians loved their children too”. It was such a dark time in our history… I couldn’t help but think of that song while I watched this video, and yea, its OBVIOUS they loved their children just as much as we do in “The west”. I often wonder how much political hype we lived under at the time.
Anyway, its a beautiful video… you should watch it.
Reader Comments (2)
Mostly, though Chris, it reminded me in every case of something your own Father would have done. Every case. I can remember once he came home, and at dinner, as we were talking about our day, he told of seeing an older woman in a telephone booth (they are open here - not with doors) and the woman was sobbing. He wanted to leave her alone to cry but he just could not. He parked his car, and went to where the woman was, talked to her and she broke down in tears. He stepped into the area and held her in his arms and comforted her. Oh, my!
I said, "Tom you can't do things like that. You could get in trouble or someone might accuse you of molesting them." He said, "There was no way I could leave that poor woman to cry alone."
So you see, your Father was in this movie, and that may be why both you and I liked the movie so much. Smiling