Internetting is HARD!

digitalCINEMAcafeHello podcast listeners… As you may know, last June Alex MacLean and I launched a podcast called digitalCINEMAcafe. DCC is about an hour each week and it is a discussion with people from all manners of discipline in filmmaking. The conversations are great fun and Alex and I have had a chance to talk with some great guests. Personally… I’m looking forward to many more shows with Alex.
But a few weeks ago I got the idea that it would be fun to dispell some myths and rumors about my favorite edit system and meet some other people, like myself, that prefer cutting in Final Cut Pro X so we spun a new show off of DCC called FCPX Grill. Personally, I love talking about FCPX in detail, and although some topics will no doubt not be intersting to EVERYONE, I’m ok with putting them out there and letting the audience decide what they want to download and listen to.
Well… that leads us to THIS post. Internetting is HARD. If you don’t know the whole “cha-cha-cha” between starting up a libsyn account, a Bluehost account, a WordPress blog, and a BluBrry Powerpress plugin, then count your blessings, go to iTunes and just hit Subscribe and enjoy the show. However… if you have been down that path, especially after thinking you were a Laporte-esque Media Mogul and could actually run TWO shows on your own with NO TECH support… then you’ll know… lets just say, its confussing, (can you say 301 Redirect).
I have inherent problems when I read a sentence and a percentage of it has no link to REAL WORDS… I had the same problem years ago when someone tried to teach me how to play “Hearts”… nevermind, that’s bad memories all around.
FCPX GrillSo.. this week, the two feeds for the two podcasts whet thru the fire. First, the digitalCINEMAcafe feed had some episodes of FCPX Grill in it, and FCPX Grill feed BARELY had its own show in it and it took me about 48 hours to get it ‘fixed’, and I use THAT term loosely.
As of this writing which is 9PM Friday the 22nd I THINK I got it all ironed out BUT, only if you use an Apple product, like iTunes or the iPhone or an iPod or an iPad. If you use one of those other mystery devices you’re gonna be kinda screwed, maybe for a while… maybe forever… maybe till I figure out the 301 redirect thing.
So… thank you for your patience, and please forgive me for the mess I’ve caused on the interwebs and enjoy the shows.
Alex and I have a great show coming up next week that we’ll record on Monday night and there are a bunch of great FCPX Grill shows in the can.
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