Review - Punchline for FCPX

I got the chance to take a look at a plugin for FCPX called Punchline availble thru the FX Factory. So you know… I’m not being paid to do this, I’m sort of doing it for my friend Mitch at Planet5D… so far it looks like they are gonna let me keep the plug in but for the $50 bucks that it costs… its barely pay… Just so you know.
That being said, I dig this plug in. It has several titles and transition elements in it and they can all be modfied at least in the color arena. The efx render quickly and the preview quite well even before they are completely rendered. Take a look at this Review and see some of the things that Puncline makes it REALLY easy to do.
You can download the Noise Industies fx Factory here.
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