I've been cyber robbed.

Ever hear of Final Cut Tips? Its a web site that has, well Final Cut Tips. So, tonight I'm following links on Twitter and I find this site and its always interesting to see other peoples video tutorials online... So I look at one about about keyboard shortcuts. Then the next one I look at is all about how to convert 5D footage...
I think, this will be interesting. I'VE done a tutorial about how to convert 5D footage. I wonder how it compares... well... except for the aspect ratio of the file, ITS EXACTLY MINE... Not like, "oh look, they did my tutorial" (I've seen that too...) but they took my file off of YouTube, they recompressed it, they screwed up the aspect ratio, (mine was HD theirs is 4X3) and then they put their logo on it. TACKY.
Now, besides the thing is stealing views from MY site, I take GREAT offense to the fact that the borked the aspect ratio. I take great pride in stuff like that and spend a lot of time dealing with the best ways to show Macs online.
Oh and the worst part about it, (actually the aspect ratio and the logo are bad) was that there was NO CREDIT, no where on the page.
They even took my comments and tags from my YouTube post.
So anyway... if any of you have ever done any tutorials onlline, you may want to check this site... they obviously have no shame in stealing material.
One more thing... I love sharing cool stuff I've seen online. I link to peoples work all the time. I usually have a few nice things to say about them. So the idea of linking to other peoples work and crediting it to them is fine with me... but this incident is just not cool.
Grabbed from their site tonight.

Reader Comments (3)
The site runs a script aggregating RSS feeds and specific keywords from Youtube and automatically posts the content and creates a page. This is why your content is spot on from your page on their site. Look at the URL in your browser - it shows your Youtube video so no one "stole it" as you would believe.
I had a video aggregated from them and even brought it up to Youtube and an attorney. It sucks, but no copyright infringement is taking place. The only thing you can do is disable embedding or pull the video from Youtube. As long as they are linking/embedding a video on a server other than theirs they are safe. If they physically pulled your video off Youtube and hosted it on their servers- yes, they are stealing your stuff.
This is an advanced way to embed videos and it's totally legal. The only thing you can do is disable embedding or pull the video down from Youtube so no one sees it again.
"Um, duh, I post my video on youtube with an embed code and expect no one to take it" that is naive or you're just plain stupid to complain.
The first two posters seem to miss the point entirely.
The person who is has linked in the material GAVE NO CREDIT and PASSES THE WORK OFF AS THEIRS which is plagiarism.
Chris, It should be noted that the person who stole your work has a long history of doing just this.