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Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags on HBO...

Interesting doco about the American Garment Industry and American Unions. Interesting stats on the Percentage of clothing that has been manufactured in the United States.

1965 - 95% Clothing Manufactured in the United States

1975 - 80% Clothing Manufactured in the United States

1985 - 70% Clothing Manufactured in the United States

1995 - 50% Clothing Manufactured in the United States

2009 - 5% Clothing Manufactured in the United States

The core of the problem is that corporate law requires that a company GROW to be successful. It is not acceptable in corporate America to just "be"... and sustain, which, by the way would provide jobs for people. Instead, companies are required to GROW. There is only so much potential to grow. 

We need to allow companies to sustain and not require them to grow quarter after quarter.


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