Listen people... it's not SCHWAG... its SWAG...

I don't know who started this but it is really annoying me. In recent years, and by recent I mean, in the past 15 years or so, the term "swag" has become a pop meme that even soccer moms have embraced, understood and to a certain extent 'sought after'. After all SWAG, or as many say schwag, means... 'free stuff you get as a perk or a give-away, usually at a conference or event. A free t-shirt, a tote bag, a stupid pen with a company logo on it, that kind of stuff.
Well, there is NO "CH" in SWAG... its S - W - A - G. You know why i know this... because SWAG means "Sh*t We All Got". Some will tell you it has roots in pirates booty and I don't know if that is true but it is NOT spelled SCHWAG... and not pronounced with the "CH" sound...
It's SWAG... S - W - A - G...
Got it? Good, we can put that to rest now.
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