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Synthetic Adjuvants on the Horizon...

So are you worried about not being able to get your Swine Flu shot?  A lot of people are... if you watched 60 Minutes tonight they talked up the scare of not being able to make enough vaccine in order to vaccinate people fast enough.

I'm predicting here that in the next 3 to 6 weeks we will hear the news that because the supply of vaccine is so slow to market that the FDA will have to fast track the use of Synthetic Adjuvents in order to make the vaccine faster.

This is a big deal because these synthetic adjuvants have not been sufficiently tested.

You may also want to buy Novartis stock. ($51.95 today), they make a synthetic adjuvant.

I just wanted to make a record of this prediction... we'll see how much of a nut job I am in a few weeks.

UPDATE: On November 26th I came across this article about Adjuvants that was posted on November 20th. It was a Reuters article about why we should be using adjuvants. Oh, and Novartis stock was $55.85 at the end of day November 24th.

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